Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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1 And when he had opened the Zechariah 2:13 Be silent, O all "the seventh seal" /
seventh seal, there was silence in flesh, before the Lord; for he With the opening of the seventh /
heaven about the space of half an is raised up out of his holy seal the scroll can now be opened /
hour. habitation. and all its contents revealed. /
2 And I saw the seven angels Joel 2:1 Blow ye the trumpet in Many scholars assume that the /
which stood before God; and to Zion, and sound an alarm in seven trumpets revealed are a more /
them were given seven trumpets. my holy mountain: let all detailed explanation of the work /
3 And another angel came and inhabitants of the land Luke 1:9-11 According to the custom of the horsemen and others see /
stood at the altar, having a tremble: for the day of the of the priest's office, his lot them as a sequential continuation /
golden censer; and there was given Lord cometh, for it is nigh was to burn incense when he went of the time of sorrows. /
unto him much incense, that he at hand; into the temple of the Lord. /
should offer it with the prayers Psalms 141:2 Let my prayer be And the whole multitude of the "silence in heaven" /
of all saints upon the golden set forth before thee as people were praying without at We have here a reverent pause as /
altar which was before the throne. incense; the time of incense. the prayers of the saints are /
4 And the smoke of the incense, Psalms 144:5-6 Bow thy heavens, O And there appeared unto him an presented at the golden altar in /
which came with the prayers of the Lord, and come down: touch the angel of the Lord standing on the heaven as was for many centuries /
saints, ascended up before God out mountains, and they shall right side of the altar of symbolized in the earthly temple /
of the angel's hand. smoke. incense. on the Day of Atonement. We are /
5 And the angel took the censer, Cast forth lightning, and Acts 4:31 And when they had prayed, repeatedly reminded that the /
and filled it with fire of the scatter them: shoot out thine the place was shaken where they design of the Tabernacle, the /
altar, and cast it into the earth: arrows, and destroy them. were assembled together: and they Temple and the ceremonies that /
and there were voices, and thunder- Zephaniah 1:16 A day of the were all filled with the Holy were performed at them were given /
ings, and lightnings, and an trumpet and alarm against the Ghost,... as an replica of the heavenly /
earthquake. fenced cities, and against scene. /
6 And the seven angels which had the high towers. /
the seven trumpets prepared them- Joel 1:19 O Lord, to thee will I "a third part" /
selves to sound. cry: for the fire hath devour- The woes that follow the first /
7 The first angel sounded, and ed the pastures of the wilder- four trumpets are limited in their /
there followed hail and fire ness, and the flame hath effect to a "third part of the /
mingled with blood, and they were burned all the trees of the earth". We assume that the selec- /
cast upon the earth: and the third field. tive nature of these events is /
part of trees was burnt up, and Exodus 9:23-24 And Moses stretch- of His design so that those of /
all green grass was burnt up. ed forth his rod toward heaven: the earth who are most inclined /
8 And the second angel sounded, and the Lord sent thunder and to repent are given yet another /
and as it were a great mountain hail, and the fire ran upon the opportunity to change the hard- /
burning with fire was cast into ground; and the Lord rained ness of their heart. Scholars /
the sea: and the third part of the hail upon the land of Egypt. have long noted the similarities /
sea became blood; So there was hail, and fire of some of these tragedies to /
9 And the third part of the mingled with hail, very the plagues on Egypt before the /
creatures which were in the sea, grievous ... release of the Children of /
and had life, died; and the third Exodus 7:20-21 ... And all the Israel. These are all similar /
part of the ships were destroyed. waters that were in the river to events that can and have /
10 And the third angel sounded, turned to blood. happened on earth in the past /
and there fell a great star from And the fish that was in the due to volcanic actions and or /
heaven, burning as it were a lamp, river died; and the river visiting formations from outer /
and it fell upon the third part stank, and the Egyptians could space. Also scholars like to /
of the rivers, and upon the drink of the water of the point out that these same effects /
fountains of waters; river; ... could also be similar to the /
11 And the name of the star is Jeremiah 23:15 I will feed them results of the war of man as he /
called Wormwood: and the third with wormwood, and make them releases the newly developed forces /
part of the waters became worm- drink the water of gall: of nuclear warfare. Therefore /
wood; and many men died of the Isaiah 13:9-11 Behold, the day men that should repent could mis- /
waters, because they were made of the Lord cometh, cruel both take the effects of these events /
bitter. with wrath and fierce anger, as that of the forces of nature /
12 And the fourth angel sounded, to lay the land desolate: and or of man and may be deceived so /
and the third part of the sun was he shall destroy the sinners that they will not recognize /
smitten, and the third part of the thereof out of it. them as the wrath of God. /
moon, and the third part of the For the stars of heaven and /
stars; so as the third part of the constellations thereof "Woe, woe, woe" /
them was darkened, and the day shall not give their light: The first four trumpets are /
shone not for a third part of it, the sun shall be darkened in unfortunately only a sampling of /
and the night likewise. his going forth, and the moon the wrath of God upon the unjust /
13 And I beheld, and heard an shall not cause her light to Luke 17:1 ...It is impossible and much more is to come. /
angel flying through the midst of shine. but that offenses will come: /
heaven, saying with a loud voice, And I will punish the world but woe unto him, through /
Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters for their evil, and the wicked whom they come! /
of the earth by reason of the other for their iniquity; and I will /
voices of the trumpet of the three cause the arrogancy of the /
angels, which are yet to sound! proud to cease, and will lay /
low the haughtiness of the /
terrible. /
1 And the fifth angel sounded, Psalms 140:10 Let burning coals Luke 10:18 ...,I beheld Satan as "a star fell from heaven" /
and I saw a star fall from heaven fall upon them: let them be lightning fall from heaven. Satan is cast from heaven and /
unto the earth: and to him was cast into the fire; into deep allowed to release the power of /
given the key of the bottomless pit. pits, that they rise not up a multitude of his demons who /
2 And he opened the bottomless pit; again. had been bound. Scholars who see /
and there arose a smoke out of the the trumpets as describing events /
pit, as the smoke of a great of the past often attribute the /
furnace; and the sun and the air characteristics of the locusts to /
were darkened by reason of the be descriptive of past warriors /
smoke of the pit. such as those of Attila the Hun. /
3 And there came out of the smoke Exodus 10:14-15 And locusts went Luke 8:30-31 And Jesus asked him, Other scholars see the descript- /
locusts upon the earth: and unto up over all the land of Egypt, saying, What is thy name? and he ions of the locusts and the army of /
them was given power, as the ...and did eat every herb of said, Legion: because many devils horsemen to be characteristic of /
scorpions of the earth have power. of the land, and all the fruit were entered into him. modern war machines such as /
4 And it was commanded them that of the trees the hail had left: And they besought him that he helicopters and tanks with the /
they should not hurt the grass of would not command them to go out smoke and fire of their missiles. /
the earth, neither any green thing, Ezekiel 9:4 And the Lord said into the deep. The problem we have with these /
neither any tree; but only those unto him, Go through the II Timothy 2:19 Nevertheless the explanations is with the selective /
men which have not the seal of God midst of the city, through the foundation of God standeth sure, nature of these woes. The power /
in their foreheads. midst of Jerusalem, and set a having this seal, The Lord know- of warfare of man is nonselective /
5 And to them it was given that mark upon the foreheads of the eth them that are his. And, Let in that usually on both sides are /
they should not kill them, but men that sigh and that cry for every one that nameth the name of found innocent people who also /
that they should be tormented five all the abominations that be Christ... suffer and are killed. But the /
months: and their torment was as done in the midst thereof. locusts are instructed not to dest- /
the torment of a scorpion, when II Chronicles 10:11 For whereas roy vegetation and to hurt "only /
he striketh a man. my father put a heavy yoke those men which have not the seal /
6 And in those days shall men upon you, I will put more to of God in their foreheads". Their /
seek death, and shall not find it; your yoke: my father chastised source is from the bottomless pit /
and shall desire to die, and death you with whips, but I will where they have been bound, yet /
shall flee from them. chastise you with scorpions. they can hurt only those that have /
7 And the shapes of the locusts Job 3:21 Which long for death, not been sealed. This does not /
were like unto horses prepared but it cometh not; and dig for appear to be like the normal war- /
unto battle; and on their heads it more than for hid treasures; fare of man since it is a woe of /
were as it were crowns like gold, Joel 2:3-4 .. and nothing shall torment in which " men shall seek /
and their faces were as the faces escape them. death and shall not find it". /
of men. The appearance of them is as " and they had a king over them. /
8 And they had hair as the hair the appearance of horses; which is the angel of the bottom- /
of women, and their teeth were as Joel 1:6 .. strong, and without less pit", the destroyer satan but /
the teeth of lions. number, whose teeth are the still their action is against /
9 And they had breastplates, as teeth of a lion, and he hath the unsealed, the Lord is still /
it were breastplates of iron; and the cheek teeth of a great lion. in control. (The time of five months /
the sound of their wings was as Joel 2:5 Like the noise of is the same as the normal time of /
the sound of chariots of many chariots on the tops of mount- locusts from May to September in the /
horses running to battle. ains shall they leap, like the area of the promised land.) /
10 And they had tails like unto noise of a flame of fire that /
scorpions, and there were stings devoureth the stubble, as a "four angels which are bound in the /
in their tails: and their power strong people set in battle great river Euphrates" /
was to hurt men five months. array. Four more bound angels, or demons /
11 And they had a king over then, Ephesians 2:2 Wherein in time past are released and they lead an /
which is the angel of the bottom- ye walked according to the course mighty army of 200 million horse- /
less pit, whose name in the Hebrew of this world, according to the men. Many scholars like to point /
tongue is Abaddon, but in the prince of the power of the air, out that the nation of China can /
Greek tongue hath his name the spirit that now worketh in put together an army of this size. /
Apollyon. the children of disobedience. Unlike the plague of the locusts, /
12 One woe is past; and, behold, these horsemen have the power to /
there come two woes more hereafter. kill and again they will have /
13 And the sixth angel sounded, Exodus 27:2 And thou shalt make power over a third part of the /
and I heard a voice from the four the horns of it upon the four remaining men. Some scholars have /
horns of the golden altar which is corners thereof: his horns proposed that these horsemen /
before God. shall be of the same: and thou represent the hoard of Turks that /
14 Saying to the sixth angel which shalt overlay it with brass. crossed the Euphrates river in /
had the trumpet, Loose the four 1057 AD to gain dominion over the /
angels which are bound in the Mohammendan world. These same /
great river Euphrates. scholars would see the locusts to /
15 And the four angels were loosed, represent the Mohammedan hoard /
which were prepared for an hour, that swept over the eastern world /
and a day, and a month, and a year, in the 600's. But from verses /
for to slay the third part of men. 20 and 21 we understand that the /
16 And the number of the army of purpose of the woes is that men /
the horsemen were two hundred should repent. The unsealed are /
thousand thousand: and I heard the not tormented and destroyed but /
number of them. for the purpose of the Lord that /
17 And thus I saw the horses in Acts 2:19-21 And I will show wonders men should repent of their ways. /
the vision, and them that sat on in heaven above, and signs in the The time of closing out the /
them, having breastplates of fire, Jeremiah 25:6-8 And go not after earth beneath; blood, and fire, chance for men to repent or suffer /
and of jacinth, and brimstone: and other gods to serve them, and and vapour of smoke: the final judgment has not yet come. /
the heads of the horses were as to worship them, and provoke me The sun shall be turned into There are yet many woes to come /
the heads of lions; and out of not to anger with the works of darkness, and the moon into blood, upon this earth and the opportun- /
their mouths issued fire and smoke your hands; and I will do you before that great and notable day ity for repentance is still avail- /
and brimstone. no hurt. of the Lord come: able. As we study yet in chapters /
18 By these three was the third Yet ye have not hearkened unto And it shall come to pass, that following, the Lord will still /
part of men killed, by the fire, me, saith the Lord; that ye whosoever shall call on the name send witnesses on earth to tell /
and by the smoke, and by the might provoke me to anger with of the Lord shall be saved. the Word. /
brimstone, which issued out of the works of your hands to your /
their mouths. own hurt. "yet repented not of the works" /
19 For their power is in their Therefore thus saith the Lord I Corinthians 10:14&20-21 Wherefore, The love of evil for the follower /
mouth, and in their tails: for of hosts; Because ye have not my dearly beloved, flee from of satan is so great that even /
their tails were like unto heard my words, idolatry. these terrible woes are not enough /
serpents, and had heads, and with But I say, that the things which to bring them to repentance. The /
them they do hurt. the Gentiles sacrifice, they power of satan to deceive is truly /
20 And the rest of the men which Psalms 135:15-18 The idols of the sacrifice, they sacrifice to amazing. The transgressions of /
were not killed by these plagues heathen are silver and gold, devils, and not to God: and I men mentioned in the last verse /
yet repented not of the works of the work of men's hands. would not that ye should have are very characteristic of this /
their hands, that they should not They have mouths, but they fellowship with devils. day and age which leads many to /
worship devils, and idols of gold, speak not; eyes have they, but Ye cannot drink the cup of the conclude that the times of /
and silver, and brass, and stone, they see not; Lord, and the cup of the devils: judgement can not be far off. /
and of wood; which neither can They have ears, but they hear ye cannot be partakers of the Many men will propose that /
see, nor hear, nor walk: not; neither is there any Lord's table, and of the table civilized and educated man can /
21 Neither repented they of their breath in their mouths. of devils. bring "utopia" to the earth, /
murders, nor of their sorceries, They that make them are like Ephesians 5:6 Let no man deceive you but there is little evidence of /
nor of their fornication, nor of them: so is every one that with vain words: for because of this as one looks at the actions /
their thefts. trusteth in them. these things cometh the wrath of of men that glorify the performance /
Isaiah 47:9-10 ...they shall come God upon the children of of these transgressions. /
upon thee in their perfection disobedience. /
for the multitude of thy /
sorceries, and for the great /
abundance of thine enchantments. /
For thou hast trusted in thy /
wickedness: thou hast said, None /
seeth me. ... /
Matters of Contention: Many scholars prefer a symbolic interpretation of "for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year" Many scholars /
the trumpet judgements rather than a literal interpretation. have pondered long on the sequencing and the length of times /
The earth can be seen as being symbolic of Israel and the sea indicated in prophecy. The particular phrase repeated above seems /
as being symbolic of the gentiles. A mountain can be seen to most scholars to indicate that the four angels are loosed at a /
to be symbolic of a government and the sun, moon and stars particular time which has been long in preparation and is the exact /
as being symbolic of leaders of government or religions. They time that has long been known to the Lord and that there is no force /
would interpret the plagues as being forces that would cause in the universe that can change this time. /
conflict and turmoil amongst empires, governments, organized /
religions and as not being actual physical destructions. "five months" Does the day for a year concept apply to this /
Many scholars however believe that the similarities to the time period? Some scholars will say so while others will say that the /
many plagues described by the earlier prophets is too striking, period corresponds exactly to the destructive life span of the locust /
and most scholars agree that in ancient times actual physical and therefore should be takes as a literal five months. Timing is /
occurrences are intended. a subject for debate which may never be settled until the final day /
comes. /